[Daizo Dee Von]100 Rooms of Enemies - All 1-UP Locations (and lo|每日速读
May 29, 2023
CHALLENGE TO ALL VIEWERS: How many coins can you get in a deathless 100 Rooms run without recollecting coins from repeated respawning enemies? RULES BELOW.
The defining "One Screener" ROM Hack. 100 Rooms of Enemies is a project started by Daizo Dee Von and later collaborated with Mellonpizza where the main premise is to "get as far as you can." There are a hundred rooms where you must clear all the enemies. Every ten rooms, the theme switches, and new enemies start to come in every fifth room. There are even a handful of bosses to take down! A "Nightmare Edition" is in the works, but is nowhere close to done to have an official release. The version you're seeing is "Do or Die," which means one life or start all over. There is an "Arcade" mode that gives you five attempts, and lives to find along the way.
These are all the 1-up locations scattered throughout the Arcade Mode of 100 Rooms of Enemies. Yes, I replayed the whole game in Arcade just to show these off...and this is the first time some of these secret locations are ever revealed. As a bonus, I also (attempted) to gather as many coins as possible but there's A LOT I missed so this isn't a definitive guide to that...thus the challenge I pose to everybody watching!
---- These are the rules: ----
- You cannot regrab coins from respawning enemies. You can only fire-kill the first spawned enemy from lakitus, football chucks, or other sprites that spawn new ones. (PROTIP: Bob-omb explosions can be converted into coins. Only the the first one can be collected as a coin.)
- Yoshi gulps are allowed as a valid coin-collect method.
- You can't die or return to previous rooms. All coins respawn in the room and your coin counter isn't reset as a result.
- No game genie or cheats. Glitches are fair game except the Room 100 hub glitch that sends you back to the beginning (which requires dying.)
- You can't use the Moon Vault at all; it has to be from a fresh boot from the title screen so all coins, points and lives are cleared before entering the level "100 Enemy Boss Rush" (the file doesn't have to be cleared.)
- Because Moon Vault is inaccessible, you can't bring powerups into the main level from there. So the fire flower has to be obtained from the rooms it spawns in naturally (Room 50 hub, Room 80 hub, Rooms 96-100 hubs.)
- You can preform a tool assisted run; I am curious about the actual total amount. However, I'm also curious what the human limit is to this challenge, so feel free to do it RTA.
[Daizo Dee Von]100 Rooms of Enem...
May29,2023CHALLENGETOALLVIEWERS:Howmanycoinscanyougetinadeathless1 -
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